Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pastor Baldwin Barnes Blog

I have always wanted to create a blog, and now this is my time!!


  1. I am having a problem with explaining to my 12 year old son how a loving God could allow his mother to die

  2. The language is accurate, "allow his mother to die." However, the implication, that God refused to keep his mother alive, is inaccurate. There is no relationship between the two. God "allowed" when He created us with free will. He knew we would use it (free will) to separate ourselves from Him. God is the only source of life and when we chose to be separate or independent the automatic consequence was death. So he created a way back to Himself by having Jesus die for us. So all who accept this and have faith in Jesus will live forever and never die. "But my IS dead." Yes, she is sleeping the sleep of death which is NOT permanent. This "death" is intended to keep us sober by recognizing the real impact of sin. It, sin, kills, separates, destroys.

    God is love, loving, lovable. We believed and continue to believe THE lie: that all of God's restrictions (commandments) and inherent consequences are proof that God is not loving. Now that a real lie.
    The truth is that God loves us with an everlasting because that's just who He is: pure love. The lie says, "if God really loved us, He would leave us alone to live forever in our misery." God is too kind to just leave us in our darkness, doubt, and despair. He has designed away for us to get back to original love, life, and light. It may require a temporary separation in this night of darkness but eternal joy comes in the morning of everlasting love when you will see and live with your mom in the light of forever day.
